
We are a green, conscious and
environmentally friendly company

Our passion is to create the highest quality cosmetics, under an eco-friendly vision. That is our motivation, deep in our hearts.
It’s time to change; the world needs to get greener!

We are clean beauty, coral & reef safe. Our mission is to stop the damage of cosmetics on the nature and corals

We are clean beauty, coral & reef safe. Our mission is to stop the damage of cosmetics on the nature and corals

• All our products are free from harmful inhalants and ingredients

• All our tubes and bottles are up to 100% recyclable

We do not use sleeved bottle packaging, which are not recyclable

We don't use unnecessary plastic stickers in our shipping packaging and we only work with suppliers in our area to reduce the environmental impact

More than 90% of the world’s traders buy raw materials, tubes or bottles overseas and ship by sea. By doing this, the damage caused to the maritime economy is immense and disrupts the marine ecosystem and this creates more CO₂ emissions each year than all air travel.

Poison for humans and nature

Tons of cosmetics end up in the oceans every year with ingredients that have been proven to damage corals and nature; we believe in becoming engaged and want to contribute in making a change.

Octocrylene, Oxybenzone, Octinoxate, homosalate*
• Negatively affecting fearfulness. to generate cancer.
• *To be hormonally active.
• Severe damage to corals.
• Can trigger allergies.
• Are hardly degradable in nature.
• Damaging fish through the hormones effect.
• Free radical images and don't bind.

Mineral oils (parafinium perlequidum)
• of any kind are harmful to the ocean’s ecosystem.

Our products are 100% natural and manufactured with the highest quality ingredients in Germany, the top cosmetic quality location in the world

The next time you buy a tanning or sunbathing product, take a look at the lists of ingredients!

Think about your contribution to create a better, greener world, it's time to change our thinking. Let's take better care of nature and mother earth together!

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